Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Foundation Chair
Grant Chair
Membership Chair
About Our Club
The Rotary Club of Austin University Area is an organization that values service and fellowship. If you are considering membership please join us for a meeting, as our guest, and get to know our club and members who represent a wide variety of professions. They include educators, doctors, lawyers, business professionals, retirees and not for profit specialists
Seven GOOD reasons to join the Rotary Club of Austin University Area.
  1. We are a secular, non-political organization with an environment that encourages high ethical standards and abides by the Rotarian Four-Way Test.
Of the things we think, say or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
2.  You can use your skills, experiences, talents and resources to make a difference in the community and the world.
3.  We can expand your professional networking and advance your business and professional contacts.
4.  We can help you develop leadership skills.
5.  You can expand your horizons. Rotary builds goodwill and peace throughout the world with over 32,000 clubs around the world.
6.  We have stimulating weekly programs that will inform you of what is taking place in the community, nation, and world.
7.  Rotary provides genuine friendship and fellowship.
Some of the organizations we support
The Rotary Club of Austin University Area has generously funded many organizations including:
  • Any Baby Can improves the lives of children by strengthening them and their families through education, therapy and family support services.
  • Funds to the Lyric Opera to introduce disadvantaged children to opera.
  • Meals on Wheels has been a major recipient of the Ron Lantz Charity Golf Tournament for which a meat loaf was named in his honor.
  • Capital Area Food Bank acquires food and distributes it through it to the need.
  • Vocational Nursing Scholarships were given to help needy nursing students.
  • Supported Challenger Baseball by sponsoring baseball teams for children with special needs.
  • Gonzalo Garza Independence School where at-risk and dropout youth attend school, graduate from high school, and successfully transition to college and work
  • Casa Marianella serves residents from all of Latin America as well as Africa and Nepal. Priority has always been given to those fleeing war and persecution. Casa also serves immigrants who became homeless due to illness and injury
  • Mothers Behind Bars Girl Scout Troop. The girls in the troop, who range from ages six to seventeen, meet three times each month to participate in group therapy and engage in more traditional Girl Scout activities, such as camp outs and cookie sales.
  • Ambassadorial Scholar, Alicia Jeffers, was provided financial support to study in Australia
  • A hearing clinic in Nuevo Laredo,Mexico was supplied with hearing aids purchased by our club & given operating expenses for
How We Fund Our Projects?

University of Texas Football Game parking Project

At each UT home-football game many club members volunteer to assist in parking hundreds of cars at several private parking lots along Red River Street near the Darrell Royal Memorial Stadium. Building owners have generously contributed the use of the parking space. All funds are donated to charitable organizations

Ron Lantz Charity Golf Tournament

For twenty five years, Member Ron Lantz has underwritten the annual Charity Golf Tournament which is held each year at the Great Hills Golf Club. All funds raised are donated to The Rotary Club of Austin University Area Foundation and are subsequently donated to local charities.

Austin Playhouse Theatre Night

One night each year the Austin Playhouse generously hosts a theatre night with all proceeds going to the club to donate to charitable organizations.

Rotary Grants

The club applies for grants from the Rotary Foundation and the Rotary District 5870 (composed of Rotary clubs located in Central Texas) to fund special projects which the club members manage.